6 Lessons we can learn from Ant
2 min readApr 4, 2021
- Ants are hard working — Ants never sit idle.Its not in their blood, we human beings should learn from Ant that being lazy only procrastinates. we all have to inculcate handwork in our blood.
- Ants never quit — If we try to block their way ,They will go up,down ,sideways but they will never stop. How long ants will try to overcome obstacles ? Till they find a way to raise above it .Does it say us obstacles don’t stop ants . Are obstacles stopping you from achieving goals ? How long you keep trying to overcome obstacles ? if obstacles doesn’t stop ants from its goal , why is it stopping us? it shouldn’t stop us either .Every obstacles in a way makes to you well prepared to face next obstacles , be strong and keep moving then only you can achieve your goal.
- Ants are farsighted — Are they thinking about summer in summer , if you think so you are wrong. They are busy collecting food and preparing for the winter , that’s why they are moving everywhere in summer season. what does it teach us ? are you like ants, not only thinking about today, also have a eye on future ?
- Ants have a work-life balance — They work during summer and rest during winter ,they go into hibernation in the winter. They know when to stop working . Are you like ant have work life balance? if not think about it.
- Ants are purpose driven — Their only purpose is to collect food for their mates.They don’t distracted from their focus . Are you like ant purpose driven ? Are you one who is getting distracted soon from your purpose ?Are acting on distraction?or you carry with distraction ? if not start taking action on your distraction . Try be purpose driven always.
- Ants can carry big responsibility — Although they are small , their contribution is big,They can handle unto 100 times their body weight !!
Try to be hardworking ,have attitude of I will never quit ,farsighted , have a work-life balance,be purpose driven , be capable to carry big responsibility.